Partner Countries & International Trend

작성자 admin 시간 2020-10-12 16:59:47
첨부파일 :



“ADB, UNESCAP, and HelpAge International co-organize the first of their webinar series on ageing issues”


Asian Development Bank(ADB), UNESCAP and HelpAge International will co-organize the first of their webinar series on “How can we reduce inequalities in later life as societies age?” on 14 October 2020. The objective of the webinar, taking Asia’s rapid population ageing into consideration, is to strengthen clarity and consensus about the priority steps governments can take to reduce inequality.


- Date: 14 October 2020


- Time: 15:00 - 16:30 ICT


- Venue: Virtual Zoom meeting


(Register online:


*For more information about the Webinar, please refer to the website below.